Benjamin Gutt What is night vision? First of all we want to clarify what night vision is... There are basically 3 options for night vision: 1.The possibility of digital image amplification using so-called CCD/CMOS sensors. Whereby the p... Night Vision Jun 30, 2023 NIGHT VISION
Benjamin Gutt How do NVD's work? How do NVD's work? Night visions let you see in the dark! So there is a small amount of light (photons) which went trough the lens of the objective. After the photons are entering the lens there wil... Night Vision Jun 30, 2023 NIGHT VISION
Benjamin Gutt What tubes are we using? What tubes are we using? Photonis ECHO (Commercial grade) Res: min. 57 lp/mm SNR: min. 24 Sens: N/A FOM: min. 1600 – max 2000 Photonis Echo tubes with wide spectrum bandwidth. They see what others do ... Night Vision Tubes Jun 30, 2023 TUBES
Benjamin Gutt Glossary and Terms Glossary of Terms What does Automatic Brightness Control (ABC) mean This allows the tube to protect itself from overexposure. It keeps the image within a certain brightness range with upper limit, mea... Glossary Night Vision Jun 30, 2023 GLOSSARY